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Feux antibrouillards & éclairage trunk

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Feux antibrouillards & éclairage trunk Empty Feux antibrouillards & éclairage trunk

Message par fred911 Lun 27 Mai 2024 - 13:12


Depuis un changement de batterie, mes feux antibrouillards avant et l'éclairage du trunk ne s'allument plus.
Aucun courant constaté aux bornes et les lampes semblent fonctionnelles.

J'ai pu lire ceci sur un autre forum 
Porsche tech had to do the following:

(no fault codes were INITIALLY found)

1: headlights needed to be recalibrated (maybe due to previous owner lowering)

2: once the headlights were recalibrated to level the computer showed fault codes

3: tech reset lighting fault codes which restored fogs and trunk light.

He said that if the headlights come out of alignment the default for the computer is to shut down the non essential lights. Strange but it fixed my issue. Hope this helps someone else out there.

Source : https://www.planet-9.com/threads/2006-porsche-cayman-s-issues.51725/

Il n'y a pas d'autres solutions à part se rendre dans un CP ou un indépendant ?

Qui aurait un cable Durametric dans l'Arrageois ?
1500 tr/mn
1500 tr/mn

Messages : 41
Age : 39
Modèle : Cayman S

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